School has Started...
Well, after a fun-filled weekend, reality has sunk in that Sydney is not going to be only about play. We have to work also. :( We started classes on Monday. I am taking Australian Art and Architecture, and Australian Culture and Society. Both classes have 2 papers and a final, and they are only 5 week long classes! And out first week is almost over! I also had my internship placement meeting, which was not promising. The best they could offer me was a possible position in Human resources at the Westin. I was kind of hoping for a better hotel becuase I worked at the Westin this summer, but I guess I will take what I can get, becuase the alternative was bartending or waitressing (mind you in australia there is NO TIPPING!) so I would be completely unpaid AND waitressing! Bad combo. We went out to some fun bars this week. They played the best music and had good cheap drinks. I just danced with my friends all night. I met some really nice people, almost everyone in my program is really cool and fun to hang out with. Here's a picture of me and my friends at a bar, thats Jamie (my roomate), Marla, Jess, Lara and I. Ill update again soon!
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